Dr. Kevin Smith, Wilton Public Schools Superintendent: “Good afternoon, Class of 2022, parents, family members, esteemed colleagues and honored guests. I have the distinct pleasure of presenting the Wilton High School Class of 2022 to our Board of Education. It is my great privilege to do so.

“Class of 2022, I am so proud of you. You’ve endured the worst of the pandemic and throughout it all, demonstrated impressive character and great integrity as individuals and as a class.

“As Oscar Wilde noted, morality is like art — you have to draw a line somewhere. For this class, that line has been very clear. It was members of this class, the Class of 2022, who organized a group to 3-D print respirators for hospital workers in the early months of the pandemic when there was a national shortage. It was this class, members of the Class of 2022 who organized food drives to restock the Wilton Food Pantry. And members of this class, the Class of 2022, who initiated new clubs and organizations to serve this community during some of our darkest days.

“This class stepped up and led venerable service organizations like Safe Rides, UNICEF, Read to Me, Red Cross, Green Team, Bon Ami, Amnesty International, Socks for Soldiers, St. Baldrick’s, Teen Peace Works, Habitat for Humanity, Women’s Activist Club, you get the idea, the list goes on and on. Collectively you’ve contributed enumerable hours, volunteering and positively impacting the lives of many within and around Wilton.

“The routine selfless acts of service you commit not only define who you are as a class but shine a bright light on what you value. So on behalf of the Wilton Public Schools and the Wilton community, I say, thank you to the Class of 2022. You have made a difference and you are leaving this community better than you found it.

“As the sun sets on your time as Wilton High School students, and you look to new horizons, remain resolute in your commitment to service and hold steadfast to that spirit of generosity. Use it to inspire and uplift others as you have inspired and uplifted us.

“Well, seniors, now’s the moment I get to declare you graduates. Shall we make it official?”

[shouted from crowd] “Yes, sir!”

Smith: “Yes, sir. By the authority vested in me by the state of Connecticut and the Wilton Board of Education, as superintendent of the Wilton Public Schools, I do hereby certify to all in attendance on this 18th day of June in the year of 2022, that the members of the Class of 2022 here before me have successfully completed the requirements for graduation established by the state of Connecticut and the Wilton Board of Education, and are eligible to be graduated from Wilton High School. I do now declare them graduated. Madame Chairman, I present to you and to the Board of Education, the Class of 2022. Congratulations!”

Deborah Low, Board of Education Chair: “Thank you, Dr. Smith, and congratulations, Wilton High School Class of 2022. Sitting together as a class, you are Wilton’s field of dreams. Your dreams are unique to each of you individually, and as a class, they are wide-ranging, diverse, ambitious, creative, and exciting. On behalf of the Wilton Board of Education and the entire Wilton community, we wish you only the best as you work to refine and fulfill those dreams.

“Our messages today: first, thank and hug all of those who have loved and supported you so far; second, remember Wilton as your hometown that treasures education and values families; third, realize how lucky you are to have had such amazing teachers guide and inspire you; and finally, hang on to the hope and pride you rightfully feel today and do not let anything stop you from reaching your dreams.

“It is my honor and pleasure on behalf of our entire Board of Education to now bestow your diplomas. Congratulations, Class of 2022.”