Sarah Heath, the director of Wilton Social Services, has extended a plea to the community on behalf of the Wilton Food Pantry. Because there is currently no access to Comstock Community Center where the food pantry is located, there is a significant need for just about everything the food pantry typically stocks.

Most critically are non-expired, non-perishable donations. Donations are being accepted at the Police Station lobby. A make shift food pantry has been set up on the exterior of Comstock by the lower level entrance and those in need can access necessary items there.

UPDATE:  11 a.m.

Heath says what is needed most are non perishables like canned goods (soup, chili, beans, rice, etc), along with personal care and household items, for residents who are facing economic hardship right now.

“Thank you very, very much for your support. We are getting more residents reaching out to us who are for the first time unable to make ends meet,” she adds.

Unfortunately, there is no way to make an online cash donation. You can send checks, made payable to Wilton Community Assistance Fund. Send to Comstock Community Center, 180 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897

UPDATE:  12:30 p.m.

Lynne Vanderslice said donating goods through Amazon to be delivered directly also works. For now (until further notice) the delivery address for Amazon orders for the Food Pantry is:

Wilton Food Pantry
c/o Wilton Police
240 Danbury Rd.
Wilton, CT 06897

3 replies on “Wilton Food Pantry Needs Help and Donations, STAT!”

  1. Unfortunately, there is no way to make an online cash donation. You can send checks, made payable to Wilton Community Assistance Fund. Send to Comstock Community Center, 180 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897

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