3 replies on “First Selectman’s Update, April 6, 2024: Budgets & Bond Proposals * New Police Officer * and More!”

  1. What is the status of the Verizon tower to be built in the bus yard? I have been waiting for service for several years now.

  2. I would implore the BOS to reconsider its conservative bonding requests that removed any new town amenities for bonding. The board is rightfully prioritizing maintaining the town’s Aaa Moody’s rating, but neglecting the reality that bringing a bond deal under $10 million will result in materially higher borrowing costs given reduced marketability at that size. The town can achieve a better outcome by including previously removed bonding items as it is more likely to be able to sell its debt at lower interest rates with a slightly larger bond deal.

  3. Another slight by our Town Selectwoman to our ambulance corps. Her last paragraph went out of her way to recognize PD, FD, and even the DPW for keeping Wilton a healthy place to live, yet no mention of WVAC. Thank the paid folks, but take for granted the residents who volunteer their time to take care of this town. VOTE NO at the annual town meeting when it comes to any captial improvements she wants to make to town hall!

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