Randi Tomasulo, M.D., a Wilton resident for seven years, recently launched a new medical practice, Post Road Metabolic Consultants.

While starting up in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was daunting, the practice is already serving many Wilton residents, both in virtual visits from home and at Tomasulo’s Westport office location.

An endocrinologist with 13 years of experience, Tomasulo’s specialty is treating metabolic conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, among others.

With the risk of death or serious complications from COVID-19 dramatically increasing with BMI (body mass index), Tomasulo highlighted the urgency of tackling weight problems in the coronavirus era and the greater focus on metabolic health.

Noting the emergence of “obesity medicine,” a field unto itself in medical practice, Tomasulo has found that pharmacology can play a beneficial role “as part of the puzzle when tailored to each patient as part of an overall plan” of nutrition, exercise, and other treatment. “We’re using all available pharmacology to treat patients with obesity, just like we use available medications to treat other conditions,” she said.

Tomasulo was spurred to start her own practice after feeling constrained by the time she could spend with patients in a large, multi-specialty practice. “The volume of patients was high [there],” she said. “I wanted to be able to give them the time that I want to spend with them.”

She added, “Individualized care is key. I spend a lot of time with patients. They have access to me.”

Tomasulo explained that time is essential to fully understand all of the factors that can impact a patient’s metabolic health, including genetics, lifestyle, mental health, household/family dynamics, work, financial means, environmental factors, and other stressors.  “There are so many factors. It takes a lot of time, and there are no quick fixes for [most of these conditions].”

Tomasulo treats adult men and women, including many menopausal or peri-menopausal women, as well as some older teens with thyroid or other endocrine issues.

Suzy Besset is part of The Metabolic Connection

Dr. Tomasulo often collaborates with Suzy Besset, a certified eating coach and personal trainer from Westport who works with clients to identify and understand the habits they’ve developed over a lifetime that lead to weight gain and related metabolic issues. Such exploration is important, Tomasulo says, to “get to the root of how we take care of ourselves.”

Together, under the umbrella of The Metabolic Connection, the duo will offer seminars and classes in addition to patient referrals between their respective practices. A monthly webinar series called “High Noon” is in the works, with dates to be announced starting in January.

UPDATE:  The next “High Noon” webinar will be Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 at noon. Details will be posted The Metabolic Connection’s Facebook page.  The topic will be “The Challenges of Weight Management in Covid 19”.

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