Last Saturday, Sept. 30, the Wilton Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) partnered with Wilton High School, Town of Wilton Commissioners, landowners and neighbors to build a boardwalk and lay rock along a washed out trail in the WLCT Harrison-Smith Preserve, 38-acres of woodland abutting Quarry Head Park.

“It was a fantastic community experience,” says Donna Merrill, executive director of the WLCT. “The video really captures the spirit of the project.”

More than 40 volunteers showed up to help build an over-80 ft. boardwalk and re-routed nearly 200 feet of existing trail.

Among the group were 24 WHS AP Environmental Science students who volunteered their time to help improve the trail. They helped “mule” the materials and tools deep into the woods and helped with the construction of the boardwalk over an area of hydric soils.

According to their teacher, Brett Amero, “It was an amazing, multi-generational, community effort and WHS was well represented.”

YouTube video